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Tracking Blood Sugar in Pregnancy Might Lower Heart Defect Risk for Baby

Increases in a woman's blood sugar levels during early pregnancy may affect her baby's risk of congenital heart...


Is Running Bad for Your Knees?

Everybody believes running can leave you sore and swollen, right? Well, a new study suggests running might actually...


No proof that sugar-free soft drinks are healthier, argues review

"Soft drinks made with artificial sweeteners, such as diet colas, do not help people lose weight and may...


Pessimism May Take Unwelcome Toll on the Heart

Always seeing the cup as half empty, rather than half full, may increase the likelihood of dying from...


Don't Fall for Exercise Myths

Exercise is a great way to stay healthy and shed pounds. But don't believe everything you hear. Here's the...


These Medicines Often Send Americans to ERs

An estimated one in 250 Americans lands in the hospital emergency department each year because of a medication-related...


Smoking Plus Diabetes a Very Deadly Mix

While smoking is tough enough on health, adding in diabetes boosts the risk of an early death even...


High-Dose Statins Boost Survival: Study

Higher doses of the cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins appear to boost survival slightly for certain people, a...


Vitamin D May Affect Breast Cancer Survival

Vitamin D levels may affect breast cancer patients' chances of survival, a new study suggests.Researchers analyzed data from...


In Mice, a Way for Stem Cells to Build Bone

31-Aug-2016Researchers say they've found an easy way to spur stem cells to build bone in mice -- a...


Omega-3s a Recipe for Healthy Blood Pressure in Young Adults

Eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids -- found in some fish and plant oils -- may...


Food Flavors May Come From Surprising Sources

When is a lemon not a lemon? When it's "lemon flavor" in a processed food or drink.The flavorings...

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